Kundalini Yoga Workshop
The teachings of Kundalini yoga were kept secret for a very long time, only taught to royalty and nobility for thousands of years until Yogi Bhajan brought it to the West in the late 1960’s.
Kundalini yoga is an ancient wellness tool which is much needed for the modern age we live in. Kundalini yoga (as taught by Yogi Bhajan) is a dynamic practise and a powerful technological way of working on the glands and the nervous system, whilst developing a sensitivity towards yourself and others. The practice is designed to give you an experience of yourself, for yourself.
Kundalini yoga will assist your well-being and personal growth whether practised avidly or casually. Whether your desire is to, sharpen mental agility, assist physical and mental well-being and healing, reinforce positive self-esteem to re-pattern old habits, strengthen your willpower, or train the body and mind to relax deeply, quickly.
During the practice you will be introduced to:
- A series of dynamic and stationary postures (asanas);
- Breathing techniques (pranayama);
- And sounds (mantra).
Join us for this exciting re-introduction of this amazing technology to our studio.
Bookings are essential.
Friday 20th November 2020, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
$50 per person